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Dear Customer,

A Web of Science Researcher Profile provides you with an accurate and trusted platform for showcasing your scholarly contribution. Continuing our commitment to accuracy, we are introducing changes to how we validate publications that appear on a profile.  

As of March 28, 2024, documents will only appear publicly on your profile if we have associated you with an author on those documents. Any documents where you are not identified as an author will no longer be visible or count towards your profile metrics, until you identify which author you are.

Why are we making this change?

Currently, all publications added to a profile immediately appear in the public view. However, some claimed Web of Science Core Collection publications must pass through additional steps to resolve the authorship claim with the publication metadata available. If any authorship claims are unresolved, those papers will appear on a public profile, but they will not appear in a profile owner’s publication list elsewhere on the Web of Science platform, creating inconsistencies in the user experience.

To address this issue, we are implementing the following measures:
  • Publicly visible publications on a researcher profile will only include verified authorships.
  • In the ‘My Publication records’ page in your private dashboard, we will continue to show all authorship claims, including those not verified. Each claim will have a clear verification status, which you can use to action the unverified claims.

These changes will enhance the accuracy and reliability of your Web of Science Researcher Profile and offer you additional tools to control the display of your scholarly contributions.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we implement these improvements. We will be in touch with additional information after this change is made.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for being a valued member of the Web of Science Researcher Profiles community.

Best regards,
Web of Science Researcher Profiles Team

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